Welcome to New Jewish Narrative

December 6, 2024- Welcome to New Jewish Narrative! Built on the proud legacies of Americans for Peace Now and Ameinu, we have come together and are writing a new narrative for a new day.

We are American Jews, deeply rooted in the story of our people and the history of our struggle for peace and justice. In our narrative, peace and justice are the birthright of Israelis, of Palestinians, and of all people.

The story of our community is one of activism and commitment. But for some, that commitment has grown stale, and the activism is hard to find.

That is why we have come together to reimagine our possibilities and reaffirm our commitments. Yes, we are building on powerful legacies, but we are building something new. We are building an institution that supports the vision of a progressive Israel that finally realizes the aspirations of its founding documents: “it will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.”

Our merger is more than the sum of its parts; it represents a bold step at a critical moment for Israel, the American Jewish community, and the United States. The challenges we face — threats to democracy, rising extremism, and persistent conflict — demand a united voice and stronger advocacy. By combining our resources, programs, partnerships, and leadership, New Jewish Narrative amplifies our impact and expands our reach.

Under the leadership of President and CEO Hadar Susskind, New Jewish Narrative is building on years of hard work led by Ameinu and Americans for Peace Now. We are inspiring progressive American Jews to take action, strengthen connections across communities, and advance policies and values that reflect our unwavering commitment to peace, security, and justice.

Nomi Colton-Max, Co-chair of New Jewish Narrative, said: “Whether in our community institutions or in the halls of Congress, it is time for a New Jewish Narrative to be heard. We believe in peace, in justice and in a progressive Israel and we will keep working and striving toward those goals.”

Tom Feldman, Co-chair of New Jewish Narrative, said: “As times change and the reality on the ground in Israel and Palestine, as well as here in the US, changes, we are coming together to meet the moment. In doing so we are more unified, we are stronger, and are committed to a better and more just future.”

We are New Jewish Narrative, committed to shaping a future where values of democracy, equality, and peace guide us all.

The merger of Americans for Peace Now and Ameinu is subject to regulatory review and approval, the receipt and timing of which cannot be guaranteed or predicted.


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